
You can get the training you need
to be registered to take X-Rays in 10 weeks.

This required X-Ray training and Department of State Health Services (DSHS/TDH) registry will allow you take Adult X-rays in Texas.

This X-Ray training is designed for entry-level students with little or no medical background or experience.

Once you meet the program requirements and receive your certificate from Avery X-Ray School, you are placed on the DSHS/TDH Registry. You then receive your basic radiological equipment operator's permit issued by the DSHS. You will then be allowed to take general adult X-rays for doctors, clinics and medical facilities.

Join the more than 2000 successful N.C.T. graduates of this program. Avery X-Ray School, works under the authority of the Department of State Health Services to alleviate the shortage of X-ray technicians.

You can take this affordable X-ray training in one of 3 convenient ways: days, evenings or weekends.

CE Classes


Phone: (713) 667 - 5100
Fax: (214) 912-3958
