
Course Outline

Basic Radiological Equipment Operator Training

Section I: Radiation Safety and Patient Care – 22 Hours
The importance of radiation safety and protection are covered during this section. Learn what radiation is and its affects on the human body and how to protect yourself and the patient from x-ray. You will also learn proper patient care and management skills important during radiological procedures; including effective communication, ethics, infection reduction and patient vital signs.

Section II: Radiology Equipment Operation and Maintenance – 16 Hours
Learn how an x-ray is produced and the basic operating procedures of radiographic equipment. You will also understand the importance of a Quality Control Program for all radiographic equipment as applied in the Texas Control of Radiation Regulations.

Section III: Image Production and Evaluation – 24 Hours
Discover how images are produced on film! Gain the knowledge to choose the correct techniques for quality radiographs. Visually assess and evaluate the recorded image.

Section IV: Applied Human Anatomy and Radiological Procedures – 58 Hours
Learn to take basic x-rays of the skull, chest and abdomen, spine, arms and legs by practicing on an actual x-ray unit.


Avery X-Ray Training Program

Standard Full Body

7-10 week class



Onsite and regular classes available

Podiatric Training
2 Day Class


4 Day Class


